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I'M SUPER EXCITED with Rory James

Apr 25, 2019

Comedian Bethany Vee stops by to explain how she’s going to solve her pee problems by botoxing her bladder while Rory hosts the much buzzed-about finale of Seltzer Idol 2019. Bethany has a new movie and can’t stop saying the word “essentially” while Rory has a brilliant new shower invention and tries out metal...

Apr 18, 2019

Author Simona White drops by to discuss her new book, fake people, and how to cook right. Rory falls in love 700 times a day for 7 minutes each while Simona won’t check your phone because she got sh*t to do! Plus, Rory has sampled the samples and Simona is not on your side, she’s on the side of what makes sense.

Apr 4, 2019

This week, Rory does a dodo bird thing while trying to attend a Kamala Harris campaign event, while guest co-host Lydia Caradine imagines coming home from war and (because it was a different time) forcefully kissing her gal Dolly. Rory wants a +1 and is the awkward white beanstock even though everyone still thinks he...